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Allow PowerBi Desktop to be invoked with automatic "refresh" from command line

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Neil MacMullen on 08 Aug 2019 18:03:40

I use powerbi desktop to analyse data from another system. PowerBi can't talk to the system directly so a separate tool is used to generate csv files which PowerBi can understand. The workflow is therefore....

Use tool to generate CSV
Use PowerBi to set up a report based on the CSV
then on a daily basis...
Use tool to generate updated version of CSV
Open PowerBI report
Click "Refresh" to update the PowerBi model.

It would be a convenience if powerBI could be invoked from the command line with arguments that specified the report-name and a 'refresh' flag.

I notice there are a few other requests for command line arguments such as

Comments (1)
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Hinrich Hobbensiefken on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:01

RE: Allow PowerBi Desktop to be invoked with automatic "refresh" from command line

I would like to add the wish for a datasource parameter. I would really like to change some parameters in my url before open it.