ScottC on 11 Feb 2016 10:43:56
All of the current Ideas that mention SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe integration are marked as completed as this feature was offered pre June/July release. This is nearly a critical requirement for adoption in my organization.
I had previously heard that this was removed due to licencing restrictions, can we get an official response on that? Is there any possibility of this being re-integrated?
Administrator on 07 Dec 2020 22:45:41
Unfortunately, the Business Objects connector was removed due to a number of reasons.
- Comments (165)
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
Activate a SAP BO universe connector please !!
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
I agree - would be great to have this connector!!!
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT connector.
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
This will be a very good feature to have as many of us have already invested time and effort creating data Universes in BO, it would be great if we can connect to exiting Universes so as to save that time and effort needed to build semantic layers again
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
This is a critical success factor for Power BI adoption in our community of Power Users.
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
Yes if be amazing to have business objects universe connected to Power Bi so can get rid of manual extraction that is currently being done.
It would be all would need to do is amend the filtering in report for the year, month we would want to look at. It would be real time data which is main purpose of having power bi so it is connected to different sources of data.
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
Still looking for this functionality. Some of our users want to venture out and use Tableau instead of Power BI.
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
Definitely need a connection to BO Universe, this can help and ignore the Data Modeling already done in Universe, please consider as an important request, thanks.
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
Please do integrate SAP BO and MS BI
RE: SAP BusinessObjects BI Universe
We need this! Please. I think that it will also address the current performance issues associated with connecting directly to BEx queries.