Peter Joslyn on 25 Jul 2019 23:40:54
As data security is becoming more and more important, there will be many reports that have confidential information. Within a single report, some visuals have confidential data and some do not. In the Jan Edition, we can prevent exporting of data across all visualizations. This change would move this to the individual visualization so the report designer could better control this function.
- Comments (4)
RE: Add the ability to restrict Exporting Data by Visualization
I think that enabling "Export Data" only for specific visuals would defintely prevent a lot of users calling for help when they export a slicer by mistake. Most of the times visual are adjacent (or very close to each other) so "Export Data" link might be popping up from the wrong visual. Please add this feature. Thank you.
RE: Add the ability to restrict Exporting Data by Visualization
If this feature is added in power bi, it will be a great help.
RE: Add the ability to restrict Exporting Data by Visualization
Security in Power BI and Power Automate is very limited, and it's odd in 2024 that this still isn't a thing. Would be really helpful
RE: Add the ability to restrict Exporting Data by Visualization
This wold be an extremely useful addition for us. Our reports often have numerous visuals, and despite lots of training, some of our users still try to use the wrong visual to export data.