Gaurav Dasgupta on 28 Aug 2019 13:38:09
How about creating an option solely for reverting the whole page to default this way when someone wants to test a new theme he/she may not have to select each visual and click revert to default.
Any ideas for a theme that can do the same?
This will save a lot of time while creating and importing a theme.
I tried using the zip fie for one of my power bi reports it contains the base theme for it but it still does get reverted if I import it on a new report.
- Comments (12)
RE: Revert to default
Microsoft: Please put the power in "Power BI" in the hands of the user and let us clear formatting for all visuals at once.
RE: Revert to default
This feature would be very useful. Ideally it needs to allow you select which manually set elements stay (such as titles including conditionally set titles) and which are replaced by the theme settings (such as colours and font properties), as these should be treated very differently. The first you likely want to keep when applying a theme, the second you likely don't. Without this feature it is very long-winded to apply a theme to an already written report.
RE: Revert to default
Just a note - after converting a bunch of reports to "default" I realized that this is not always the most optimal click to "reset all to default" because then it looses all the conditional formatting if any, titles, actions on the buttons, reference7detail labels and similar settings that is more a "functional" rather than "aesthetic" part of the visual. So in some scenarios I found that it is less complicated to carefully reset to default setting by setting rather than resetting all to default and then struggling to rebuild other things that are lost. In case this idea ever gets to development, it would be nice to address this somehow.
RE: Revert to default
Reset to default on all visuals in a page would definitely make life easier when standardizing existing reports with an enterprise template & theme.
RE: Revert to default
This would be a huge timesaver indeed!
RE: Revert to default
This would be extremely helpful when developing themes. Manually resetting visualizations to default is time consuming and tedious.
RE: Revert to default
This would be really useful. We are in the process of standardizing PBI reports that were created by different users and different departments - all with their own settings for visuals. If all visuals could be set to default it would be a breeze to just import the standardized theme into each report!
RE: Revert to default
This is essential. I am creating a json theme for use by the whole company but the sheer number of hours it would take every report owner to go into each visual one by one and then into each individual property one by one and hit return to default means this is a technical no go. Recommend adding a single button on the ribbon in the drop down along with "Browse for themes", "Theme gallery", "Customize current theme" etc. and have one called "Set report theme to default". You may then need a warning message to follow if someone clicks it to warn people they can't get their changes back if they do that
RE: Revert to default
This would be a huge timesaver for thousands of our users worldwide, we regularly need to apply themes to existing Power BI reports and often have to manually go through entire reports manually resetting every visual to default and often individual elements within them.
RE: Revert to default
We do need this feature