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Automatic Timeout/Logout from Power BI Service or App

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Dustin Crowell on 26 Oct 2023 21:31:31

The need for automatic timeout is ever increasing as more and more healthcare (as well as all other entities) are publishing sensitive information to users in their organizations via the Power BI service. Specifically reports that contain Protected Health Information based on HIPAA compliance rules and regulations. I would suggest that after 5 minutes of inactivity by default the end user will be logged out of the service, or at a minimum, sent back to the Power BI home page from the app that could potentially contain sensitive data.

This update is very necessary and the option to customize the timeout would satisfy the needs of those that don't necessarily need/want a timeout. For those of us that are required to comply with HIPAA, which I would guess would be a very large Power BI customer base, this is an essential update/upgrade.

Thank You,

Dustin Crowell

Comments (1)
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Sherri Stablein on 14 May 2024 19:36:22

RE: Automatic Timeout/Logout from Power BI Service or App

It would be nice if the O365 overall idle session session timeout would apply to Power BI. This feature works for every other app, just not Power BI.