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Power BI


Please support Power apps visual inside an embedded Power Bi report for both internal users inside an organisation and external users outside my organisation.

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Anita Strøm Eriksen on 28 Nov 2022 13:20:18

Power Apps and Embedded Power BI can only be used inside an organisation.

Please support Power apps visual inside an embedded power bi report for both internal users inside an organisation and external users outside my organisation. When guest users open a Power BI report, including a Power Apps, they get “the app id .. is not in the tenant id..”

The Power BI default tenant id becomes the external user's tenant id and not the tenant id of the company/organisation that created/owns the service with Power BI Embedded REST APIs

Please also expose an API we can use or another way to set the tenant correct tenant id in embedd config by code.

According to Microsoft support, Power Apps only works inside an organisation and not outside: this is because your are using embed for your customer scenario (app owns data) and it is not supported for the power apps visual as per the following doc Power Apps visual for Power BI - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn