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Date hierarchy language

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on 17 Oct 2017 21:09:41

It should be possible to change the language of the Date hierarchy independently of the User interface language.

For example, I'm developing a report in Portuguese but I use the UI in English. That causes the names of the months in my chart to be displayd in english.

Comments (2)
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A Go on 31 Mar 2021 14:03:06

RE: Date hierarchy language

I think that if few single words like: date, by, year, month, qtr, day, count, max, min, avg.... are translated in the language set in the service 90% of the people that have this problem will be happy.
And maybe with the possibility to double click on the month in a auto-created field hierarchy and rename it: this is now forbidden.

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Paulo Batista on 05 Jul 2020 23:13:36

RE: Date hierarchy language

It would be great to be able to customize the format of hierarchy dates. For example, quarters are shown as "Qtr", we'd like it to take less space, showing just "Q".
Months could be abbreviated too. Even better, when the user opts to expand the date to a month level, there's no need to show the quarter, for example it could just show "02/2018".