Rick Foucht on 01 Oct 2015 05:08:53
your new September release has added nice title capability on slicer but does not have the clear filter option. I dont want to use both the header and title so they need to have same font capabilities and clear filter option
- Comments (4)
RE: clear filter option on title for slicers
Today is 21-Sep-2017 and this essential feature is still missing from Power BI. Does anyone have a reliable work-around as we can assume Microsoft will not be adding this functionality to Power BI anytime soon.
We have numerous clients asking for this. The solution is there already with Qlik and other competitors of Power BI.
RE: clear filter option on title for slicers
Wow! Posted in 2015 I cant believe they still havent considered this! :(
Honestly the "Header" is just redundant option, it consumes lot of real estate just to have a "Clear filter" enabled.
Have the Clear button on the Title bar makes LOT OF SENSE!
RE: clear filter option on title for slicers
Agree 'Title' presents so much better than the 'Header' does, but is missing the 'Clear'. As an an alternate option, allow the 'Header' text to be modified so you are not locked into the field name.
RE: clear filter option on title for slicers
I have to use multiple slicers on a couple of viz and a clear filter option would be nice to revert back to default, instead of having to undo multiple slicers.