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Grouping, Binning, and Clustering do not appear to work with SSAS cubes, OLAP or Tabular. Is this a bug ? This is a big deal.

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Peter Wickwire on 01 Dec 2016 04:47:26

We use SSAS databases exclusively, both OLAP and Tabular. However, there are a number of what appear to be standard features of POWER BI that do not work with Microsoft's own reporting cubes. This is especially true of the new Grouping, Binning, and Clustering features (forcasting too!). Will support for these features over SSAS cubes be added? Are you actively working on this? If not, PLEASE do!

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Frederic Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:00

RE: Grouping, Binning, and Clustering do not appear to work with SSAS cubes, OLAP or Tabular. Is this a bug ? This is a big deal.

is this part of the roadmap?