Xander Gerreman on 10 Oct 2023 09:39:51
See bug: https://community.fabric.microsoft.com/t5/Issues/BUG-Use-Azure-GIT-integration-for-PowerBi-report-projects-and/idi-p/3447427
When working with DevOps and Power BI, Power BI seems to change the datasetReference within the definition.pbir within the .report folder.
This is a problem when using Power BI datasets, as the pbip file is not working anymore after a commit from the service.
- Comments (2)
RE: Allowing GIT integration for Power BI Datasets not changing datasetReference
I have embedded Power BI reports in our SaaS application to enable users to create, edit, and delete their own reports. However, users are currently unable to add new visual calculation columns to their reports. Could you please consider providing a feature to add visual calculation columns in embedded reports?
RE: Allowing GIT integration for Power BI Datasets not changing datasetReference
This will be incredibly helpful. It's absurd that it just overwrites the configuration in the original file...