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calculated column

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on 09 Aug 2019 00:13:48

Provide the report writer the ability to add calculated columns through the Modeling tab in PBI Desktop, when the report writer has sourced a common data model (Get Data>Powerbi Datasets)

At current, although the report writer has build permissions to the common data model, they are not able to add a calculated column.

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I m on 10 Jul 2024 20:50:00

RE: calculated column

I could see this is from 2019 already but now in 2024 it is still needed especially if we want to allow report creators to have rather more flexibility as sometimes the column can be relevant to a certain report but not to the other one connected to the same semantic model. It makes more sense to add it locally.

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Linda Sarace on 05 Jul 2020 23:56:06

RE: calculated column

Currently, the product allows a report writer to create a Measure, but not a calculated column. You would typically expect the report writer to be able to create simple calculated columns such as first-name and last name concatenated together, or to make a simple case statement to say “before this date = A, and after that date = B”. Don’t think of it as a modification to a table, but more like a measure (an on-the-fly calculation) at the grain of each row. This SHOULD be something on their roadmap. From the PBI team’s perspective, we view this as a pretty important capability to allow report authors to create a purpose specific, or analysis-specific simple calculated attribute