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Data Engineering


A Pipeline that is scheduled should show "Refreshed" and "Next Refresh" date/times in appropriate columns

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Todd Chittenden's profile image

Todd Chittenden on 26 Feb 2024 13:43:18

Dataflows and Semantic Models are not the only artifacts that can be scheduled. Pipelines are, in my opinion, also very likely to have schedules attached to them. When scheduling a Pipeline, the "Refreshed" and "Next Refresh" columns should be populated based on history and the schedule. It also gives an indication of which Pipelines actually have schedules and which do not.

Comments (1)
Todd Chittenden's profile image Profile Picture

Todd Chittenden on 18 Feb 2025 21:33:59

RE: A Pipeline that is scheduled should show "Refreshed" and "Next Refresh" date/times in appropriate columns

Same is true for Data Flows. I recently manually refreshed a Data Flow and it succeeded. But the "Refreshed" column is empty. That "Refreshed" column should show BOTH the last time it was run (as either a scheduled refresh, or as part of a pipeline, or manually) and the end result (success of failure). There is generally a lack of relevant information on the main page of a Fabric Workspace. And all kinds of stuff we don't need. "Sensitivity" and "Endorsement" I don't need. Along with "Included in app". Take that stuff out, or let me choose the columns I want to see for any folder I create.