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NewSSMS 17 Bug: Can't copy from dialog popups: Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project
Jakub Kaczanowski on 29 Jun 2017 10:41:45
There's a bug in the current 'separate installer' version of SSMS (2016 onwards)
It doesn't allow copy pasting from some dialog popups. Noticed it in the find & search/replace dialog.
I use this feature extensively to refactor code/deploy from template files
Never seen any other windows app that doesn't allow copying/cutting from a textbox
Bring up the search replace dialog (ctrl+h)
type some random text into the "Find what" text box
highight it (ctrl+a)
cut it (ctrl+x)
result: error message - Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved document(s) before cutting or copying them.