Jonathan Watters on 24 Apr 2017 06:25:25
The matrix/table visualizations are dramatically behind where they need to be. Given that a large portion of your users are migrating over from excel, they expect to be able to do simple things like build/customize a matrix that displays their data in the format they are used to. Instead, many of the things that could be done in excel without even thinking are downright impossible to do in PowerBI at the moment. I really hope somebody takes a long look at revamping the Matrix/Table visualizations from the ground up so that formatting/slicing/customization can be done in a professional and timely manner. Right now there are way too many situation where it cannot be.
- Comments (7)
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
Unbelievable this is not developed yet...
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
Our Financial Statements and very large of reports are in Right to Left (RTL) direction.
without this feature , we can't use power bi for many our reporting goals actually.
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
Right to left support for powerBI is crucial as lots of users are right to left.
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
When using dates as a column header in a Matrix, need to be able to chose to display the most recent date to the left, instead of having to scroll to view this information.
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
I am working in Gulf country so for reporting please enable Matrix value right to left feather ASAP
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
how come that is it not already possiable to turn Right To Left the Tables and Matrix on Power BI.
Really basic thing...
RE: Matrix/Table Visualizations
Hi, There are some crucial tools in excel pivot table that are missing here, like formatting pivot in right to left, removing subtotals and grand totals, formatting in tabular layout and many more...