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Connect a Visual Filter on a page to a Report Filter

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Richard on 02 Nov 2016 21:38:31

The filters you can have visually on the page (both native and custom Visuals) are great and really easy to use for the end-users. The filters tab is not that user friendly and easy to understand.

We would like to be able to connect a filter on the page to a corresponding Report Filter on the filter tab.

Example: If you have custom visual, i.e. a smart filter (great custom Visual), you should be able to connect it to a report level filter so that the selection sticks when you change betwen sheet.

Right now, the users have to click in the filters for each sheet, unless they use the built in Report Filters in the filter tab.

Comments (1)
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Didier Terrien on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:15

RE: Connect a Visual Filter on a page to a Report Filter

Voted. I agree the filter pane is not so user friendly for the moment. Filters are so important that the developper needs a total control on the filter pane. The ideas about the filter pane will have no end.
Personaly, I would like to have a more flexible solution with the possibility to add the slicers I want including any custom visuals. So I developped my own solution.

Please have a look at this one minute video and share your comments there :