Frithjof Vassbø on 13 Aug 2024 07:27:21
I would like a button which enable us to immediately clear throttling. Today we will need to pause and resume the capacity in order to clear all overages. I would like a button which enables me to clear throttling immediately without needing to pause and resume the capacity. I understand that I would get billed when using that button, in order to burn off enough overage to clear the throttling.
Perhaps we could be allowed to enter a money amount or a CU(s) amount to define how much overage we want to immediately burn off.
Here is from today's documentation:
"When you pause your capacity, the remaining cumulative overages and smoothed operations on your capacity are summed, and added to your Azure bill. You can monitor a paused capacity using the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics app.
If your capacity is being throttled, pausing it stops the throttling and returns your capacity to a healthy state immediately. This behavior enables you to pause your capacity as a self-service mechanism that ends throttling."