Power BI
CompletedMake the Slicers work as multi-select on the iPad when Pages are pinned to a dashboard The slicers work amazingly on the Dashboards on PC
Behrouz B Aghevli (TMS) on 12 Feb 2016 12:46:02
The slicers work amazingly on the Dashboards on PC now. However they do not work on the iPad. You need to Pin the whole page to get Slicers to work to begin with. On the iPad any click will put you in the report and in the report they are single select! You also lose the possibility of bringing up each Chart separately and being able to move a line and see the values like when each chart is pinned separately. Being able to pin a page with slicers is a huge step forward but the iPad issue needs to be fixed as many executives will only look at these dashboards on their iPads
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RE: Make the Slicers work as multi-select on the iPad when Pages are pinned to a dashboard The slicers work amazingly on the Dashboards on PC
That's solved. Go here to see how to fix: http://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/select-multiple-boxes-in-slicer/td-p/8595