Ming Ye on 07 Jul 2022 06:51:45
I implemented a section in Power BI report to track the invoicing status of vehicles that sold by dealers.
The table behind is just like:
VehicleID DealerID Status Other Columns
1101 1 Stock Some value
1102 2 Invoiced Some value
1103 3 Delivered Some value
1104 2 Invoiced Some value
I added a Card visual that bound to count of VehicleID with filter 'Status = "Invoiced"'
When I select Dealer with 2 as DealerID from slicer, the Card display "2" as expected, but when I choose Dealer with ID "1" or "3", the card just display "(Blank)", which makes no sense to end users.
Surely we can replace the text with measure and some DAX tricks, but if we do so, we will lost drill through functionality (linked by VehicleID column).
If I may suggest, Microsoft could consider add feature that allow user to customize the text displayed for blank value.