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Visual - Table & Matrix Combo

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Mei Wah Lee on 28 Mar 2024 05:11:14

I've a table which each row is for a product, the columns Country/Region, City, Category, Sub-Category and Product Name are displayed. One row is for each product.

I've a matrix which each row is for a product as well. The columns are repeated for each Year-Month. 

I would like to combined both so that the Year-Month columns of the matrix will be displayed on the right hand side of the table. 

I can't use the step-off option in the matrix because the sorted by column of the table is by user selection. So the user can select to sort by either City, Category, Sub-Category or Product Name. The nesting hierarachy in the matrix make it not possible to do such sorting. 

Pls make a table, matrix combo. Thanks!