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Limit Tooltip to specific elements of a visual, like column header, values or elements of a graph

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Dominic Rys on 24 May 2022 11:23:17

For example, I use tooltips on some tables to help users understand icons shown in columns, and to guide them to related options to view more info. The tooltip appears when hovering over any part of the table, except for the headers, and becomes irritating when scrolling through the records and generally moving around. And becomes too busy if multiple tips are needed for the same visual.

Please add some additional tooltip display options to control when it appears - for example, apply to whole table, all headers, specific header, specific column/value, etc...Same could apply to graphic visuals for categories, legends, axes, etc..

Alternatively, list the core elements of a visual each with tooltip on/off option. When 'on' provide the standard tooltip option as-is for each element, meaning I can turn on the same tooltip for all, or the same tooltip for a couple of elements like categories and legend, or I can have different tooltips for different elements of the same visual.