Real-Time Intelligence
CompletedRequest to add integration support for IoT Hub with Synapse Real-time Analytics
Eileen Allan on 05 May 2023 21:43:18
We currently produce real-time data using Azure IoT Hubs which are supported by Azure Data Explorer but this integration is not directly compatible with Synapse Real-time Analytics. It appears we can use the IoT Hub's built-in EventHub compatible endpoint (see: as a workaround, but would prefer direct support for IoT Hubs to ensure direct support for this data ingestion mechanism.
Administrator on 11 Feb 2024 20:59:55
We are currently planning and making progress on "Azure IoT Hub as an Eventstream source". Exciting updates are on the way, so stay tuned!
- Comments (1)
RE: Request to add integration support for IoT Hub with Synapse Real-time Analytics
Azure IoT Hub as Eventstream source is under development. It is planned to release in Q3/2023.