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Radar chart - fixed axes

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G_Wiz on 29 Jul 2016 11:10:35

Can we have ability to set upper and lower limits for the Axis in Radar Chart? We use slicer to step through student results and, currently, when stepping from one student to next the axis keeps changing. Makes it difficult to compare student to student visually.

Comments (1)
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Carina Tangsgaard on 05 Jul 2020 22:32:31

RE: Radar chart - fixed axes

I agree, this would be a significant improvement. In addition, it would also fix the problem of the lowest value on the axis being placed in the center of the chart which makes it very difficult to read.

Furthermore, I'd also like the possibility of labels for the axis values (right now you have no clue what the scale is) and maybe even labels for the data points.