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PowerBI Desktop: The "View As..." banner obscures the report page and filter pane in Report view.

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Carole Snyder on 22 Jun 2021 19:59:16

I'm creating app-owned embedded reports with row level security, so I pretty much have View As enabled all the time. When I am in the report builder, the banner that indicates who I'm impersonating obscures part of the report area and the top of the filter pane. If you enable "Veiw As," check the visuals at the top of the report and notice that they can be hidden by the banner. The controls for expanding/collapsing and showing/hiding the filter pane are also inaccessible. The only way I've been able to access them is to click "Turn off" and turn it back on when I am done. Highly inefficient. Please look into this and make it more usable. Thanks!

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Jo Gault on 21 Feb 2023 23:05:01

RE: PowerBI Desktop: The "View As..." banner obscures the report page and filter pane in Report view.

This is extremely frustrating for anyone who is using Roles and/or USERPRINCIPALNAME() to enforce Row-based security if they have optional filters located at the top of reports - a common place to put them I am sure. This banner completely obscures all my optional filters.The only solution currently is, as stated by the original poster, to turn the View As feature off and back on to change or check the filters. It always takes time for the report to refresh after changing View As so this makes testing the Roles quite arduous when you have a lot of them.Ideas to make it more useable -making it draggable so it could be moved out of the wayhaving a button on it which toggles its position - eg moving from the top of the report to the bottomhaving a hide/show icon on it which toggles shrinking it back to just the toggle icon if the above aren't possible then at least making it smaller - it could just be a 'Quit View As' button which has a tooltip which appears on mouse over saying something like 'Quite viewing as [rolename/s].