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Live connection to local dataset

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Reid Havens on 24 Mar 2023 11:39:47

When developing lean/thin reports with live connections to Power BI Datasets. Add a feature to swap the connection from the shared dataset published to the Power BI service, to a local copy (PBIX) version of that dataset.

This would allow for real-time changes of the dataset to propagate to the report without needing to republish the dataset each time changes need to be made to the model that are required for the connected report. Attached below is the link to a visualization of this concept.

Otherwise the development process is either of the two below scenarios:

Scenario 1:

  1. Identify modification needed in the lean (live connected) report.
  2. Make change to shared dataset PBIX
  3. Publish shared dataset PBIX
  4. Refresh live connected report to observe changes
  5. Repeat if again if necessary or if anything was missed when making changed to shared dataset PBIX

Scenario 2:

  1. Recreate lean (live connected) report page temporarily in shared dataset PBIX: E.g. copy visuals, configure filter pane, etc.
  2. Make all required modifications needed for that page in the shared dataset PBIX
  3. Delete report page from shared dataset PBIX
  4. Refresh report page in lean (live connected) and make changes with new model configurations
  5. Publish lean (live connected) report