The Power BI Web Part (embed in sharepoint online) works well for me, but I want to adjust the frame size.
I have a report that is wider and longer than the web part frame so I have double vertical and horizontal scrollbars. The only options for frame size are '16:9' or '4:3'.
The frame size should default to the report size (or allow input of height and width of the iframe in px)
- Comments (105)
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
this is especially important when the web part contains a Power BI report.
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
Ridiculous that we even need to point out that this is needed. Give us the power to make things look the way we want them to look, MS.
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
Still an issue, unfortunately. Would like the ability to resize the web-parts to fill the sections. Better visibility/readability. Please make this a priority request. Thanks!
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
I have finally gotten my SharePoint list (which is very basic) to feed a Power BI semantic report that now refreshes a few times a day (because why should it be real time?). I have successfully embedded the report / dashboard (which only has two widgets / visualizations) on the same SharePoint site, but when added to the SharePoint page (via a Power BI webpart), the area has too much white space (height) even though I adjusted the canvas size in PowerBI. Crazy that this very basic functionality is still not added in from a post that is sever years old! Why can't we have fine tune control on the height / width of a (Power BI) web part? Or maybe the web part should take the height / width from the canvas of the report. This issue is from 2017 and is still a missing feat00ure.Looks like it is the DIV data-sp-feature-tag="PowerBIReportEmbedWebPart web part (Power BI)" CSS that needs an attitude adjustment.
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
This keeps us from just getting PowerBI rolled out, as the new normal. We have to use a custom webpart every time we deal with PowerBI data on our intranet...
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
Why do we even have to ask for something so obviously needed?
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
Very important feature for proper embedding through sharepoint!
RE: Set Frame size in Sharepoint Web Part
This should be a priority!!!The issue that the user cant adjust the size of the embedded dashboard in sharepoint, diminishes all the power of public a report almost to zero. If you chose to public a link of PBI, no size edditing; if you go to HTML it does not load automatically when page is loades.It drives me nuts that a simple thing as not being able to resize the report, almost discard the posibility of a custom dashboard.