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Ability to remove unused workspaces in bulk using the power shell

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Lalitha Devi Viyyapu on 06 Jul 2021 17:47:43

It would be great if there is an option to delete the unused power bi workspaces in bulk like 100+ workspaces using the power shell commands 

For the classic workspaces created by and linked to an O365 group, I see less options in the admin portal (no Access or Edit options).  I know the O365 group owner would have to update the membership at the group level, but if the O365 group owner is NOT using Power BI, and a workspace was created anyways, it’s a problem when we have to reach out to users who never use a service and ask them to clean up a workspace they didn’t create or use in the first place.

For the classic workspaces created by and linked to an O365 group, I see less options in the admin portal (no Access or Edit options).  I know the O365 group owner would have to update the membership at the group level, but if the O365 group owner is NOT using Power BI, and a workspace was created anyways, it’s a problem when we have to reach out to users who never use a service and ask them to clean up a workspace they didn’t create or use in the first place.