Power BI
Needs Votes"what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Mark Cunningham on 05 Nov 2017 17:02:12
Currently the what if parameter filter cant handle too many items. I am trying to create a filter for a range of all values between 1 - 100,000 but it keeps sampling the range.
Need way to over ride the sampling
- Comments (13)
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
I'm running into this issue as well - quite a pain!
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Still having this issue in November 2024. Please resolve.
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Is there any expected date when this will be resolved? I am using PBI Desktop Jan.2024.Thanks
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Please! This limitation is so insanely stupid!
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Agreed! This makes the value of input fields limited.. I am trying to create a "calculator" to allow input values to calculate margins, sell prices, etc for use by 800+ sales reps across the U.S. prior to sales.Imagine that they are continually frustrated and confused that the value they input for a field is changed to some number that is not what they entered.As a workaround, I have created an additional column that is formatted as a text version of the number value of the parameter to allow search and selection of any value in the parameter range.However, this is not ideal. This workaround requires additional clicks and makes the interface clumsy.Please resolve!!!If this sampling feature is by design, I suppose it would have a use case somewhere.. although not sure what it is or who would find value in it this way.Assuming that it is helpful to some, a solution might be to provide an option to turn sampling on and off as an additional add to the what if parameter configurations.
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
How is this not fixed yet? I create reports that require precise what if parameters over a wide range, so what else am I supposed to do?
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Has my vote. would really make numeric what-if parameters more powerful and less confusing for end users.
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
We need this to be fixed
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Unbelievable that this is not fixed
RE: "what if" parameter - turn off sampling so all numbers are generated in a range
Agreed, the actual number appears in the generated table so we should be able to use that number