Doug Kimzey on 28 Oct 2021 16:25:40
I have been evaluating Power BI as a potential tool for my company. I have been really surprised at how many fundamental things we encountered on Day 1. Most of these are "basic expectations of the client" functionality.
1. No native support for WHERE clauses. We have worked around this by using queries and views in our database.
2. Confusing Conditional Formatting - we have a basic need to change the font color for an unaggregated (unsummarized) field. We would like to set the font color to red when the field value is greater than or equal to 100. When we tried to use conditional formatting rules, it immediately slaps a "Count of" aggregation on this unsummarized field. We have not found any way to do this at all in Power BI.
3. No way to set the text alignment for a column in a table.
4. The ability to sort on multiple columns seems to have been implemented as an afterthought.
The amount of effort that we are putting into Power BI and what little we are actually getting out in not promising. Granted, I am not a Power BI expert by a long shot, however, this is a confusing package to use.