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Azure Table Storage Direct Query

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Brian on 21 Oct 2017 00:22:05

This has been requested, but I felt it wasn't presented in the best (most forceful?) way. Azure Table Storage is for PETAbytes of structured data according to your own marketing material. If you don't support some sort of query filter, Power BI for Azure Table Storage is a toy, a novelty, and "cute" - support for Azure Table Storage is merely a checkbox on your list of service support. But for real business use - it simply doesn't support Azure Table Storage at this point. Truly, Power BI is missing the whole point regarding ATS - you can't just download the whole *(&U$Q thing!

Comments (6)
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Kosta M on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:44

RE: Azure Table Storage Direct Query

Any updates? Loading gigabytes of data into Power BI on each refresh is not fun.

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David Luzzi on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:30

RE: Azure Table Storage Direct Query

This feature is really needed. ATS works great as a quick and easy way to store data when you dont need a full fledged DB. However once your table reaches over a couple gigs in size PowerBI can not handle the refreshes.

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Samuel van Egmond on 05 Jul 2020 23:45:59

RE: Azure Table Storage Direct Query

Indeed, PowerBI is unusable in (our) real world IoT scenarios for this very reason.
We are storing IoT time series data and events in table storage.
For thousands of devices with one minute intervals, this is millions of rows per day, and our customers would like to go still faster.
A nightly refresh just crashes, even when retrieving one day of data.
When it would work that would still mean you can only look at yesterday, not at today.
And we would have to retrieve ridiculous amounts of data from table storage in every refresh, but almost none of that data is used (you only look at a dozens of devices per day).
There are aggregation use cases which we could do in PowerBI by doing the aggregation outside of PowerBI ourselves, but that too ends with the user wanting to drill down / zoom in to the actual data.

PowerBI, great tool, if only we could use it!

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Rob Rainey on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:35

RE: Azure Table Storage Direct Query

The ability to provide a $filter or $select (or both) to a table storage query is essential to reduce the amount of data synced significantly


$select=PartitionKey,RowKey,Timestamp,Field1,Field2,Field3&$top=1000&$filter=(RowKey ge 'Example' and RowKey lt 'Example~') or (RowKey ge 'Value' and RowKey lt 'Value~')

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Joseph Kovach on 05 Jul 2020 23:26:05

RE: Azure Table Storage Direct Query

This feature is required to work with large data sets out of Azure Storage Tables.

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Rune Mønnike on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:09

RE: Azure Table Storage Direct Query

We need this feature, as well. Currently we have to jump through a lot of hoops in order to use PowerBI with Azure Table Storage, and some things that we'd like to do are just impossible.