Wenchang Han on 03 Dec 2014 08:39:36
Dragging a hierarchy into a report and change it to slicer... can we get a slicer with hierarchy (collapsible/expandable)?
Administrator on 27 Dec 2020 02:04:01
With the June release of Power BI Desktop we've made this feature generally available. Thanks for voting and giving us feedback!
- Comments (108)
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
I agree that a hierarchy slicer makes a lot of sense for basic functionality.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
Custom visual seems to become broken as of late - scroll bar not working, error when opening in PBI Desktop - so need for this improvement has increased
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
Currently using this custom visual but it would be much better to have this as part of Power BI by default.
Any update on this?
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
I suggest two improvements :
1) combinate "text" and "numerical" values, i mean : first level hierarchy = check boxes for texte values as name for a range of nurmeric values, second level = numeric value, with the ability to use "between" like in regular nurmerical slicer
2) ability to use the scroll list like in a regular slicer.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
I use today the custom visual: Hierarchy slicer. It has issues. And doesn't support lots of members, sorting etc.
Please help us here this means a lot to my clients.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
This would be incredibly helpful. I find myself going to the custom visuals to get this - but they don't work as well, they don't look/feel the same as built-in slicer options, and they aren't as reliable.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
Yeah, we're currently having to split out a three-level hierarchy into three slicers. Due to the lack of screen real-estate that's not really acceptable. It doesn't even function in the visual/page/report level filters, so that's not a particularly palatable workaround either.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
I've used this feature. It is very helpful I agree. There are some visual and functional issues with the visual.
1. When not all of the secondary level items selected top level check box still shows like all of them selected.
2. even top level item selected and secondary level shown selected for all of the item when the data refreshed and new item appear on secondary level it is not selected.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
This would be excellent. There is already a custom visual that can do this, so all that needs is to add a show / hide button so it doesn't take up too much room on the report page, as per the current slicer delivered visual.
RE: Slicer Hierarchy
Why is it under review since December 2014? I still don't see that!!! Please do that, it's very useful.