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Button actions to control a slicer [previous, next, etc.]

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Kieran Leigh on 25 Apr 2022 15:23:24

In some of my reports, users may need to work through each item on a slicer in turn. The slicer will contain values that do not mean anything to the user as they are system generated IDs.

Instead, I would like to offer users some buttons to move between records which control a hidden slicer. Given the nature of the data, it is not practical to achieve this using bookmarks.

In the Action of a button, a new Type would be added "Slicer". This would enable the selection of a specific slicer, and then a sub-action.

The sub-actions should include "Select First", "Select Previous", "Select Next", "Select Last", "Enable" and "Disable".

It would be helpful if the slicer remembered its position if disabled then enabled. Enable and Disable could work by toggling Select All, but when activated the actions make more sense if single select is enabled, which would mean Select All would not be available, and activating Select All may make the slicer lose its place.

It would be useful if the buttons could provide visual feedback based on the slicer being enabled/already on first record, etc. but not essential. This could possibly work by automatically disabling the previous/next type buttons if the slicer is disabled, and adding in an extra state to the Style group "Default/To Same Record".