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Custom tooltip position offset

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Niels Duijndam on 06 Oct 2022 09:26:52

Dear all,

I'd like to be able to exercise some level of control over the offset position for (custom) tooltips. In particular I'd like to prevent the tooltip from (partly) covering the actual line of the matrix / table that I'm looking at, in order to have my users see all the data they are interested at. I have searched the forums, but I have not found a similar request yet.

Right now, when using custom tooltips, for instance to show additional data regarding the current line in a matrix, the tooltip always trails the mouse cursor. This results in a tooltip showing up either directly to the left or to the right of the cursor, effectively blocking part of the line that the user is interested in. This way, a tooltip can quickly become a nuisance, rather than an added value.

Sure, I agree this depends partly on the size of the matrix and the tooltip in use, but more often than not, this becomes annoying to a certain extent.

I'm aware there is some sort of a workaround that uses custom visuals and Node.JS, but that is relatively complex for what it's worth imho and takes far too much time for me to be a viable option.

Being able to lower or raise the tooltip a bit by controlling a measure of offset, clears at least the data the user currently looking at (and preferably one or two more lines).

Thanks for your consideration.

