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Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

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Daniel Morvay's profile image

Daniel Morvay on 26 May 2016 14:08:41

In Power BI Desktop every tile has a button to disconnect the visual interaction, but now I have to select every tile each by each and press the disconnect button if I want a completely independent visual. One dedicated button would be nice to "disconnect all visual interactions".

Comments (9)
Daniel Morvay's profile image Profile Picture

Brandon Warner on 19 Jul 2022 19:39:10

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

Agreed would like to see this. I have report pages with 15+ visuals and sometimes when I add a slicer I want that slicer to manipulate only one visual and then have to go and deselect the other 14 :(

Daniel Morvay's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Jun 2021 22:09:17

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

When editing the interactions for a single visual, it'd be nice to have a bulk editing window. For example, the selected visual, vs. all the visuals in the page, where one could mark the type of interaction wanted for each of them, and have options like "disable all", although that doesn't apply exactly like that in here.

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Alek Cannan on 09 Apr 2021 14:32:06

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

Yes, this would be very useful. Create a 'manage interactions' pane/panel, or incorporate into the Selection Panel. Allow the ability to view and browse all objects on a page. Then select one (or more) objects and selectively toggle on/off the interactions with any/all other objects on the page. Also, allow to toggle on/off interactions with 'object types', such as turn off interactions with all Text Boxes, or all Slicers, or all Charts etc.

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Craig Lathrop on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:52

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

I just spent over an hour clicking all the visuals across 9 tabs turning off the stupid highlight mode. I never want highlight mode, some way to either mass edit or just auto select "filter" as the default interaction is desperately needed.

Daniel Morvay's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:50

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

'+1 Very usefull

Daniel Morvay's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:00:02

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

Agree, also I created a template visualization that is disconnected to other, I then copy this one thinking the disconected ones would stick, well, no they don't, copying a visualization does not keep the interactions

Daniel Morvay's profile image Profile Picture

Omer on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:59

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

Totally agree with this. when you want a visual to be independent of others, you could just set it as non-interactive instead of clicking other visuals one by one and selecting one.

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Fabián fabo on 05 Jul 2020 22:50:57

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

'I also agree with this suggestion. By default every new visualization is connected to all others. But there are some times when it's really needed the other way around.

For instance: I've got 20 visual objects in one report and new objects will need only one interaction.

- 1 new visual object => 20 interactions => 19 disconnections
- 2 new visual objects => 40 interactions => 38 disconnections
- 10 new visual objects => 200 interactions => 190 disconnections (my actual case)
... and so on.

As shown it becomes really hard to disconnect them one by one.


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Enrico Piccirilli on 05 Jul 2020 22:25:42

RE: Disconnect all visual interactions with one button

I agree... building dashboards with a lot of viz could be annoying.. everytime you add a new piece you need to check its interactions against all items in the dashboards and then check all other items interactions with it.
some buttons could be added:
1) connect to all / disconnect to all
(this allow the selected viz to apply filters to all/none)
2) make all other viz in page connected to me / make all other viz in page disconnected to me.
(this allow all other vizs to apply or not filters to the selected viz)

this will boost time for preparing the front end

Merged Idea (1)