Cody Wimmer on 25 Feb 2022 15:33:07
Add feature to take a list to filter in the filter pane.
Example: List of 100 customers as .txt or .csv file can be pasted in the filters pane to filter the data for a front end user.
- Comments (2)
RE: Paste List of Values into Filter in Filter Pane
This would be really useful; I could do with this functionality most days.
RE: Paste List of Values into Filter in Filter Pane
One work around I found was a discontinued Visual Filter by 'DevScope' called 'Filter by List by DevScope'.If you can obtain the file from the developers, you can then import into your Power BI desktop app and use.It will only filter things on the page it is placed on, however if you connect it to a synced slicer you can control multiple pages. There are some bugs with the multi-page approach but depending on your needs it may be insignificant.It's frustrating that this isn't a standard feature in Power BI filter pane. I would love to see it included in the near future, unfortunately for now this has resulted in my team using alternate software for some projects.