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Ability to select multiple pages in a report

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Prasanna on 23 Feb 2017 05:00:55

When we have created a Master Report with multiple pages which are connected to a SQL Service Analysis Service Database. For smaller reports, we use this master report as a template, so each time there is the need to delete pages individually. It would be good to have the option to select multiple pages to delete.

Comments (9)
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vu phung dang long on 18 Feb 2025 02:49:49

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

just make it like Excel :v

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Ian Grandey on 12 Sep 2022 18:57:46

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

Need this now! :P I have a report that magically has blank pages added: "Page 1" through "Page 57"So now I'm sitting here going through each tab and deleted the unwanted pages that were created, individually

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Ervis Hallaci on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:46

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

My last week has been misery because this feature does not exist, please add it soon... also the ability to add/duplicate/move a page at a specific position, not at the end of the report. Make our lives easier

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:57

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

why are we still waiting for this - its embarrassing !

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Chris on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:41

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

needed badly, I'm surprised this is still in the ideas phase.....

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Matic Turk on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:10

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

Please include this feature. Would be really helpful to delete 20 pages at once.

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sudha on 05 Jul 2020 23:50:01

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

This is going to be very helpful when we are preparing any report for power point presentations. Please add this soon and make our life easy :)

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Analyst_Lisa on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:35

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

We could use it too. We have a report we have to break into two to publish it to PowerPoint each week and deleting each page individually is really time consuming.

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Max Eckemoff on 05 Jul 2020 23:23:57

RE: Ability to select multiple pages in a report

This feature is badly needed, please add.