Collin Quiring on 13 Nov 2022 20:08:23
When a user in Desktop selects Preview Features there should be an indicator of some sort on that feature that it is a "Preview" item. This would allow the user to know that they may have something turned on in Preview Features that other users may not have turned on. It will also allow for a user to see at a glance which items they are using that are a Preview rather than a "permanent" feature.
For example, for visuals there could be an asterisk or a different color in the visualizations pane? For different items there could be an asterisk or other indicator on the screen or item (like the newer version of the relationship pane as of this idea being entered).
When a feature becomes "permanent" and is not in "preview" the indicator would go away which would also show the user that they are no longer using a preview item.