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Easy NULL button in Query View

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New2PowerBI on 26 May 2017 21:54:14

I'm exploring databases we've not explored before and have found myself looking at a lot of tables and columns that have "Null" for the entire column.
I would LOVE to have an "Easy NULL" button that basically tells me: here is a listing of all the tables, and the columns, where the only value found in the columns were NULL values...and then have a "Remove Columns from Query" button....and that's it...all removed. The problem right now is that when you KNOW what you want, it's not an issue...but when you are exploring new databases you have to go through each column to figure out that all the values are "NULL" and if you have thousands of records, only part of the list loads, so then you have to click "load more", then wait a couple seconds, then you have to remove the column manually. Easy buttons are cool. :-)