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Export paginated reports via url with a custom file name and timestamp suffix

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Ram Godavarthi's profile image

Ram Godavarthi on 30 Apr 2020 07:33:42

Currently when we export paginated reports to PDF / PPT or any available format with applied filters on url it downloads the file with the same name as the report itself. The url should allow customising the filename to include a parameter value and timestamp.

Example: Currently the url
generates the report file as CustomerReport.pdf.

It should allow the file name to be

Comments (1)
Ram Godavarthi's profile image Profile Picture

Bjorn Lyngwa on 09 Mar 2023 00:22:08

RE: Export paginated reports via url with a custom file name and timestamp suffix

My organisation is looking for a way to customise the filename when using the Export function in the embedded paginated report view.For our customers we reuse the same base report and configure it to suit their needs with report parameters. When it's presented to them we display the report with a name related to their configuration.But when the report is exported to a file from the embedded view the suggested filename is set to our base report's generic name. This is confusing for our customers.For us it would be enough to be able to pass in a name in the IPaginatedReportLoadConfiguration as we don't use URL parameters, but I believe the concept is the same as the proposal above.