Amber Ewing on 01 Jul 2021 18:08:24
Currently the only way to send out quarterly subscriptions is to set up individual subscriptions for each quarter, and even still it comes with some caveats. It would be beneficial to have a quarterly option for subscription frequency with the ability to select when the quarter would start and how the quarter is to be measured (i.e., months, days, etc.).
- Comments (3)
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RE: Quarterly Subscriptions
Our business needs this. Currently we send out reports monthly, and just include a note for users to ignore the report for two months each quarter. It's not efficient, and Power BI doesn't let you use many characters in an email message for a subscription, and we're wasting those characters to explain to users to ignore the subscription on certain months.
RE: Quarterly Subscriptions
Hello, can you please look into adding quarterly subscriptions? I need to schedule a report to be sent out quarterly and currently there is no option for this. The long method would be to make 4 separate subscriptions to send out during the year but I also don't see a quick way to copy or duplicate current subscriptions. Thanks
RE: Quarterly Subscriptions
This is a critical function, please add.Without a quarterly option we need to have run additional monthly subs to have the data ready but actually only need the last monthly report once a QTR. Hardly efficient.