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Q&A Can you perform CRUD operations with PowerQuery OData?

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Tim on 08 Feb 2016 18:36:29

With power query you can perform Create update and delete operaiton with an OData feed? If not this would be an awesome feature to have.

Comments (4)
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Christoph A Hoevel on 03 May 2021 11:22:41

RE: Q&A Can you perform CRUD operations with PowerQuery OData?

Upload would be awesome.

Many bespoke processes in SAP are build around downloading data from SAP into CSV, amending it there and then loading it back manually into SAP. With OData upload from Excel/PowerBI this could all get integrated into one Excel/PowerBI file. OData is build into SAP.

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Kevin Williams on 11 Dec 2020 15:57:54

RE: Q&A Can you perform CRUD operations with PowerQuery OData?

This would be useful to have for managing data through APIs instead of giving users direct access to a database for managing data. There are still companies not using things like Sharepoint Online to be able to manage lists of data. This would be a super useful feature.

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Grant Eagon on 05 Jul 2020 22:46:31

RE: Q&A Can you perform CRUD operations with PowerQuery OData?

I agree. We spend a lot of time in our organization dealing with users who'd rather use excel than a website to manipulate data. Sometimes it's difficult to get them to use web forms at all and we end up getting calls asking us to import data from their spreadsheets. Having a solution for users of this type would be a great asset.

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Jacob Gannon on 05 Jul 2020 22:35:25

RE: Q&A Can you perform CRUD operations with PowerQuery OData?

This is not currently supported, but would be nice to see.