Koduri Lakshmi Mangala on 22 Mar 2021 21:06:50
Currently, report pages are supported as tooltips only to PBI visuals, but not for buttons/images. If we have any requirement to show any additional information(which is designed on a separate page as a tooltip page) about the KPI/visual when user hovers on the info icons, we cannot go with a button with info icon / an image as there is no option to display a report page as a tooltip in button/image format settings.
So as a workaround either
1. We need to insert a transparent card visual on top of the button/image and select report page as a tooltip. or
2. We need to go with enabling Visual info in Visual header options.
Both of them are not really very good user experience for Accessibility (key-board users) as in 1st option there is no key-board shortcut to display the report page tooltip, and in the second option the key-board navigation is very complicated that user has to click alt+shift+F10.
Hence, can you provide a report page option to button/image tooltips as buttons/images automatically display tooltips as pop ups to users without accessing keyboard even?
Lakshmi Koduri
- Comments (1)
RE: Display a report page as tooltip to button/image
Yes please! This would be really nice. Basic supporting information could be provided as a "hover over" on top of an "Information Icon Image". So simple. Classic. Easy. Intuitive for users. As it stands this isn't possible. All that would be needed is to allow for Page-Tooltips-on-Images.