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Pssing filters between reports

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Abhi on 31 Oct 2016 14:22:32

Do we have following options for passing parameters within PowerBI:
* What options are available to us if we want to pass paramaters between reports?
* Can we pass between tabs on the same report?
> * Can we pass between separate & unlinked reports?
> * Can we have a 'fixed' parameter that is passed (e.g. have a button that always pre-filters another report to be for the current year)?
* Can we feed parameters to reports we haven't authored?
* Can others feed parameters to us?
* Can our reports react to specific browser requests (e.g. if I access a report from a particular IP range, can this be used to change the filters and content that is available to me)?

Comments (3)
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Atish Banerjee on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:09

RE: Pssing filters between reports

This will great feature to be able to pass parameters between tabs and between reports.

Abhi's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:08

RE: Pssing filters between reports

I'm not sure if this inline with what I'm thinking - but having the ability to pass slicer parameters between Tabs would be a really cool feature.... As that would essentially expand the canvass size and make each Report Tab talk to each other while showing different themes/attributes..

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sadf sdf on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:23

RE: Pssing filters between reports

Moving to Ideas