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Power BI

Under Review

show progress when refreshing data

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Wenchang Han's profile image

Wenchang Han on 29 Dec 2014 16:04:58

Currently when connecting to a new data source or manually refreshing an existing data set, we see "refreshing data" with a loading icon on the top right corner. Is there any way to see number or percent of rows being loaded? Sometimes data is being loaded for a long time and we might want to see if it's actually being loaded. Maybe we can gain insights on how to improve a specific data source too.

Administrator on 30 Dec 2014 02:18:00

Thanks Derrick! Anyone else think this would be a useful addition? Please add your vote!

Comments (11)
Wenchang Han's profile image Profile Picture

Jamie Thomson on 05 Jul 2020 21:59:13

RE: show progress when refreshing data

It'd be useful to know how many rows have been returned from a query as well. Perhaps in the field well on the right hand side you could show us the number of rows in a query?