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Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

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Ethan on 14 Jun 2017 05:22:54

Allow users to highlight entire rows in a table based on a specific text.

Example: Highlighting Apple Inc. in a table with a list of company names, sales, and units. Or highlighting the rows for all of Apple Inc.'s products in a list of items, sales, and units.

Comments (8)
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Duane Pacheco on 27 Aug 2022 10:30:52

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

A fast simple (very simple) solution is to use CTRL + F in the browser window and enter a search term. This will highlight any text displayed in your visuals (textual data of course). I have long narratives that I use the search tool on and then hit CTRL + F to find my keyword in the result. Until there is an 'official' better solution, this is an easy work around.

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Matt Zisler on 07 Mar 2022 16:42:39

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

I just want to highlight a cell based on text, but can also see the value in highlighting a row.

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Alan Gilman on 13 Oct 2021 16:47:01

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

So this may not be what the original post was about, but some have commented about this specific request I had also. Just wanted to share my hack. I analyze large volumes of text (infrastrure bill) and can highlight rows of sentences based on keywords. This is just due to how the data is structured. A simple csv file with matching keywords to each sentence. But I wanted to highlight with a bold font color, the actual keyword found within the sentence. I'm using the HTML visual and hacked together the text to display by using the following:
1. Custom column that concats some html for the font color of the keyword found, i.e. & [keyword] &
2. Custom column that converts each sentence row into html, i.e. & [sentence] &
3. Then I add three custom columns splitting the text and keyword html rows. First, Left Text = LEFT(Infrastructure2021[html], SEARCH(Infrastructure2021[keyword],Infrastructure2021[html],1,0)-1)
4. Then get the number of characters for the Right Text, which has to be pretty complex of course: LenLeft Text = (LEN(Infrastructure2021[html]) - LEN(Infrastructure2021[Left Text])) - LEN(Infrastructure2021[keyword]) - 1
5. Now I can get the right text: Right Text = RIGHT(Infrastructure2021[html], Infrastructure2021[LenLeft Text])
6. Then I just concat my three columns with spaces in between to generate valid html that highlights each keyword. Highlighted Text = Infrastructure2021[Left Text] & " " & Infrastructure2021[fontColumn] & " " & Infrastructure2021[Right Text]

I just add this column to the HTML visual and it displays each rows keyword with the bold blue font color!

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Roland King on 08 Sep 2021 14:44:32

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

Yes please, too redundant to select each column and highlight to highlight an isolate row after having to create a condition

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Jonathan Virgi on 12 Feb 2021 18:23:08

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

would love to see this

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Zalman Fine on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:42

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

If it could highlight specific text, as appose to the entire cell.
That would be amazing!

As an example just highlight "Apple" out of "Apple Inc."

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Anonymous on 05 Jul 2020 23:26:57

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text


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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:02:29

RE: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Specific Text

Excellent idea, this feature could be very useful in many different projects.