Pablo Moreno on 05 Aug 2022 14:29:30
This is a post is made in behalf of Carlos Bérgamo Scarso
After working with the error bar visual and sharing with the community about it, there are few visualizations and analysis that were impossible to develop using native Power BI visuals. It was necessary to bring an external visual to Power BI.
Here is a sample of the type of visuals:
As you can see, those visuals can be built within Power BI. However, to make them more accessible, it would be possible to incorporate other alternatives (like horizontal view). To do so, I suggest to add new features to the error bar visual:
Bar tab section
Ideally, everything related to marker should be at the top side of the menu, giving us the possibility of
- deactivate a market and leave the other active
- use different shapes for upper and lower limits
- customize color for each limit
Error tab section
It would be great to separate by limit, so each limit could be customizable. So this will allow us to:
- activate each limit indistinctively
- change each limit format
This will help us a lot when adding labels on the chart. Nowadays, by activating labels at the chart both limits shows labels