Jakub Kaczanowski on 08 Jan 2015 13:25:15
How sexy the data looks is sometimes more important than how accurate it is!
I love a light grey/dark grey colour scheme as much as the next person, but it be great to be able to brand the dashboard with the organisation colours/background watermark/logos etc. Maybe offer an option to modify the default CSS used - similar to how blogging sites like blogger allow you to change your page layouts/colours with a simple admin gui or completely change it by rewriting the CSS
Administrator on 18 May 2018 14:47:27
Hey everyone - I'm excited to share that we shipped dashboard theming this week: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-dashboard-theming-in-the-power-bi-service/. Give it a try and let us know if you have any feedback! Well, with Power BI, not only keep your data accurate but you can also now make it look - as Jakub originally stated in this idea - sexy. :)
- Comments (162)
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
And what about being able to add custom styling to text within a variable itself?
if(Change>0,"⇧", "⇩")
too much?
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Any updated status on this one? 6 months since last update here...
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
I have issues when setting a report with white colors for axis labels etc and when pinned to dashboard its white as dashboard tiles. They should auto change colors between light and dark.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Yes! I have a really neat scatter chart with white labels on a report with a black background. On the dashboard it just looks like a bunch of colored dots.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
This feature must be implemented. When we pin any tile which has a color inside report, it should retain the color theme.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Any news on this ?
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
This would be very nice for our different clients with Power BI. They all want reports and dashboards in organisation colors.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
This would be like re-branding the PowerBI Site with the customer site. This can be made a feature for additional cost or some segment of users. My customers are ready to pay for this, but its just not possible today.
would be great to have it.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
I hope the development is not limited to dashboards, but applies to reports as well.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Can MSFT allow us to import MS Office themes into Power BI? That would be a killer feature.
To see what I mean:
1. Run PowerPoint
2. Click the DESIGN tab
3. Under THEMES click the MORE drop-down arrow.
4. You will see an option to save the current theme as an Office Theme file.