on 28 Aug 2016 16:23:48
The current version of Power BI visualsation framework does not support access to the previous levels in a drill-down. I.e. you only get access to the current level when rendering. That makes it very hard to develop visualizations such as pivot tables or breakdown trees. Make this possible and I would gladly submit a stable version of my Breakdown Trees :).
Administrator on 06 Sep 2017 04:02:09
Hi everyone. We've made the new matrix/table generally available so I'm closing this idea. There are still some features that we're considering and you can go add your votes to help prioritize those too:
- Comments (109)
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Will, this is very much front of mind for my analysts. The really powerful thing about pivot charts is the multi-field legends that it allows. For instance, if I want to look at commodity demand for a region, country, sector I can drag these to the legend. In PBi, I can only have one on the legend - unless I create a new field. The problem with the latter approach is I don't know in advance where my analysis will take me so it really hinders my ability to quickly analyse large datasets
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
'@marcelo - Yes, that's it!
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Good news. I was beginning to feel let down by the latest updates and this makes me feel hopeful again.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
When you say selection & cross filtering do you mean we will be able to click one row in a matrix or table and filter the data in another visual?
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
It's Must Have Visual in Power BI, The game changer visual.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Decision trees / breakdown trees would be fantastic.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
'@Guillermo Proano, It 6000 + votes, First idea to cross 6K mark, still Nothing done about it... Hmmmmm
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
5,891 votes should merit a comment - status update on our thinking around this from the PG
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
What is the criteria for taking ideas on board after all? Microsoft keeps saying that is is following a quantitative approach (most number of votes).
If that is the case, how come this does not at the very least marked as "under review"? This is the second most voted idea at the moment, and this happen just a little over a month!
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
In general, hierarchy handling needs rework as the support is really lacking. For example, if you have multiple visuals that use the same hierarchy on one axis, it should be possible to do a sort of "Drill with" interaction, so that when you drill down on one, the others should follow the same drill.