derek on 24 Jul 2017 21:41:33
the Relative Date filter options for the calendar week goes from sunday through saterday.
Most companies I know, go from Monday through Sunday. Please give us the option to choose in the filter, or set it though the localization.
- Comments (348)
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Seems like such a simple thing...
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Such a simple request. Crazy that we have to workaround a gap like this.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Wow, it's been 6 years and still no implement.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Can we implement this solution as soon as possible?
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Please bring this functionality
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
please bring this functionality
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
I fully agree that this is still needed. If this is not possible, than it should be possible to hide the relative date filtering option "Weeks (Calendar)" because it will result in data being wrongly shown and interpreted
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Please implement this!
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
The ISO standard 8601 defines that a calendar week from Mon-Sun (ISO week date - Wikipedia). Therefore it should be configurable.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
We use Power BI Cloud outside US and our users need weeks that start in monday and finish in sunday.We need this functionality now