Lamin Jobe on 13 Dec 2018 00:54:04
Support Display Folders for Table Objects and not just columns
Administrator on 30 Sep 2021 23:09:58
Thanks, we are currently looking at supporting this, no timelines yet though.
- Comments (67)
- Merged Idea (1)
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
@Donald Parish I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree. When you have multiple tables related to client or product information that cannot be merged into a single table, it can indeed be confusing for the end user to find the information they need. To address this, I added prefixes like 'Client / ...' and 'Product / ...' to each table name. This helps in organizing the tables better, but unfortunately, it's still confusing. Ideally, adding a new folder just for display purposes, which doesn't impact the underlying data model, would be the best solution.
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
I don’t think this is a good idea. It’s too big of a change to the model. If you simply keep to a good dimensional, model can only have measures in your tables. You automatically get the icon that indicates that it’s a fact table you can also use an Amy conventional to use singular for dimensions and plural for fact tables
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
Please add this feature. In all my Data Flows and Power Query, everthing is nicely organised. Even the Measures can be organised. Why not the table objects!
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
Hey Power BI team, get your act together and finally implement this useful and simple feature!!!
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
I have over 40 tables from 4 different sources. I need to organize them into folders. This is impossible to do at the moment and makes my data pane unusable and difficult to navigate. Please consider making this a priority as the community is in need of this simple feature.
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
Hello,You have been considering supporting this from Sep 2021. Could you please provide us with a solution along with a release date?Thank you
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
This would be so incredibly useful. The functionality exists for Power Query, I'd like to be able to declutter my working space in power bi by grouping my infrequently used tables.
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
Please consider including the display folder functionality in the upcoming release of Power BI Desktop. This feature would greatly benefit both business users and IT professionals, as it would simplify and streamline our work processes. Thank you.
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
Agreed! When a model has many tables it would be helpful to reduce visual clutter and group them. Or even change the sort order. I ran into a situation where we wanted to name tables business friendly names but there were so many tables users couldn't find the fact table where all the measures were located because alphabetically it was more than half way down the list. For an enterprise reusable model you might have several groups using it for self service analytics grouping tables they could collapse expand groups of tables based on the use case for their analysis.
RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects
Adding this basic functionality would be greatly appreciated!