Adam Wilson (POWER BI) on 24 Feb 2017 01:34:44
In late 2016, Power BI improved our export data options to allow exporting up to 150,000 rows to Excel from a visual on a Power BI dashboard for Pro users. If you require higher limits, please vote on this idea. If you have more specific requirements, please leave them in the comments.
Administrator on 01 Feb 2023 00:01:36
WWe ha a new feature that provides an increased limit of 500K rows of data to Excel from a Power BI visual. Learn more...Announcing Connected Excel Tables from Power BI (Public Preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI
- Ikechukwu
- Comments (179)
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
Hallelujah!!! Hugely glad to see it's finally being addressed and, since data volumes keep increasing year over year, we definitely hope it will allow a full data dump.
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
It is crucial that also custom visuals can handle over 30 000 rows.
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
Export to CSV should have no limits on number of records being exported.
Unless there is some commercial reasoning behind, for a 21st century app this is a very strange limitation ...
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
There is no benefit to exporting only partial data...increasing the limit is a must!
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
I would still love to see this increased. One of our clients favourite things is asking for a report that shows all transactions of a particular type including all of its metadata. I now create an index on my rows and only display the first 150k, then you can use a slicer to go to the second 150k. It just results in multiple CSV's that you have to append. So it's not even preventing the end users from exporting that many rows, it's just preventing us from doing it conveniently.
I do believe this issue is more common among agencies that work with other clients data, than it would be when powerBI is used as an internal tool (because the internal people could get access to the database directly)
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
When doing heavy data analysis, it is a definite challenge to tell our users that they can only export so few records. At least getting it to something near to the limit of Excel would be helpful for excel. For CSV, it should be even larger.
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
Exporting unlimited number of rows, would be great to have. Data size is getting bigger and bigger everyday, hence, this is essential for business intelligence.
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
I'm surprised we're still waiting for this a year later... considering that this idea was originally shared by a Microsoft Power BI Product Manager.
150,000 rows is extremely limiting.
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
Could you increase the limit to one million rows? We have data sets with over 30 million rows but wouldn't want someone to extract that much data (not to mention that excel only supports up to 1.48~ million rows).
RE: Increase Export Data Limits
Definitely need to increase the export size in Power BI Desktop. I often export to excel to check against other sources and 30k rows limits how much I'm able to check.